Care Certificate

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Things that can help people with Dementia

Video 88 of 250
3 min 31 sec
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Tips for Caring for Someone with Dementia

1. Communication Strategies

  • Remain Calm: When faced with repetitive questions, stay calm and provide short, simple answers.
  • Make Suggestions: Instead of asking for decisions, make suggestions to ease decision-making.
  • Avoid Correction: Allay fears, refrain from arguing, and never correct the person with dementia.

2. Practical Tips

  • Arrange Cupboards: Organize cupboards to hold similar items together for easier access.
  • Follow Routine: Establishing routines, such as taking medications with meals, can be beneficial.
  • Use Humour: Incorporate humour into interactions to lighten the mood.
  • Engage in Activities: Find enjoyable activities to do together, utilizing music and photographs as memory aids.

3. Safety Measures

  • Reassure and Redirect: Reassure the person with dementia and provide reasons for leaving the room.
  • Avoid Loud Noises: Minimize loud noises and sudden shouting to prevent agitation.
  • Accept Confusion: Understand that the person with dementia may not always recognize you.

4. Practical Assistance

  • Layout Clothes: Arrange clothes in order of wear, opting for comfortable and easy-to-wear garments.
  • Ensure Comfortable Shoes: Provide non-slip, comfortable shoes to prevent falls.
  • Consider Assistive Products: Utilize products like easy hold cutlery or shower chairs for added assistance.

5. Non-Verbal Communication

  • Observe Unspoken Cues: Pay attention to gestures and facial expressions for non-verbal communication.

Note: Always treat the person with dignity and avoid speaking about them as if they weren't present.