Care Certificate

250 videos, 11 hours and 6 minutes

Course Content

Receiving feedback

Video 16 of 250
1 min 53 sec
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Importance of Feedback in the Care Certificate

Why Feedback is Essential

Receiving helpful feedback is crucial when starting a new job and learning new skills. It plays a significant role in your development and ensures you meet the required standards.

Benefits of Feedback

  • Skill Development: Feedback aids in skill enhancement and provides clarity on areas for improvement.
  • Confidence Building: Constructive feedback boosts confidence and problem-solving abilities.
  • Awareness: It helps you become aware of your strengths and weaknesses.

Types of Feedback

Feedback can be either formal or informal:

  • Formal Feedback: Typically provided in writing as part of assessments, appraisals, or comments sheets.
  • Informal Feedback: Occurs through day-to-day discussions with colleagues, managers, or individuals receiving care.

Characteristics of Helpful Feedback

  • Timeliness: Feedback should be given promptly after an event or task.
  • Positivity: Constructive feedback is delivered positively and focuses on factual observations.
  • Constructiveness: It suggests specific actions for improvement rather than critiquing personal attributes.

Engaging with Feedback

If you receive feedback, seek clarification if needed and discuss ways to improve. Understand the feedback thoroughly to enhance your performance.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Standard 2.1 - Learning Outcome 2.1c
  • Standard 2.2 - Learning Outcome 2.2d
  • Standard 2.2 - Learning Outcome 2.2e